High Quality & Branded Pet Products
Bulk-buy from Malaysia’s largest wholesale pet products supplier, My Ocean. At My Ocean, we got all your sourcing needs covered with our complete range of premium quality pet supplies – at the lowest price guarantee.
With our products being widely distributed to thousands of pet shops, veterinary clinics, retailers and Shopee traders across the nation, which means our range is all of premium quality and can meet the trends of changing markets to help you drive a successful pet business – making us the best distributor and pet store in Melaka, Malaysia you can trust.
What’s more, our highly capable team would even go extra mile for our customers. To ensure you can get the most out of our products, we do also research on the value, quality and lifespan of our supplies to ensure they can best meet the latest industry trends and pet owner behaviors – offering you with total peace of mind throughout the whole journey!
Rest assured also that all the products you receive will always be of excellent quality since our collection is only sourced from the world’s renowned providers. Browse our complete catalog today, whether you need it for retail, domestic or professional use, we are sure you can find the item you need for your specific applications!
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Save On Best Deals
3 Interlock Sifting Tray CW319
Ashini Bathing Sand
Betta Fish Food Specialist
Bird Cage D11
Cage 03
Carrier - 1001
Cat Scratch & Play Post
Cat Sleeping Cushion House
Drinking Bottle Water Feeder
Little Pets Cat Shampoo
Little Pets Clumping Cat Litter
Little Pets Multi Vitamin
Maxhico Medicated Shampoo & Conditioner
Stick 380g
Bird Cage D15
Cage 04
Cage 884
Carrier - 1002
Cat Litter Tray 928
Cat Scratcher M6C
Emily Pets Aspen Wood Shaving
Emily Pets Wood Cat Litter
Maxhico Flea Shampoo
Maxhico Ticks, Lice & Fleas Shampoo
Optimal Cass Hamster Food
Pharma Lab Aqua Plus
Stand Drinking Water Bottle & Food Feeder - JP267
Stick 500g
Bird Cage C301
Cage 08
CARNO Hamster Running Wheel - RJ104
Carrier - 1003
Cat Litter Box C014
Cat Scratcher M28
Emily Pets Bathing Sand 1KG
Little Pets Easy Clean
Maxhico Flea Bio-Care
Maxhico Just Spray
Pet Hair Comb
Red Parrot Forage Fish Food
Stick 780g
Bird Cage C201
Cage 09
CARNO Hamster Running Wheel - RJ105
Carrier - 2001
Cat Arc Brush
Cat Cage 366A
Cat Litter Box C023
Cat Scratcher Tree M30
Emily Pets Bathing Sand 500G
Little Pets Maxx Cat Sand
Little Pets Meal Worm
Maxhico Vet-Trust
Bird Cage BQ07
Cage 31001A
CARNO Running Ball - RJ107
Carrier - CFHKX
Cat Cage 137
Cat Scratcher M39
Emily Pets Premium Wood Shaving
Large Hammock
Maxhico Wound & Skin Care
Meow Best Cat Litter
Bath Shower Sand Toilet - RJ119
Bird Cage BA04
Cage 440
Carrier - CFHKX - S
Cat Cage 302
Cat House C032
Cat Litter Tray CFS04
Cat Scratcher M64
Little Pets Multi-Cat Clumping Cat Litter
Luxber R&M Hamster Paper Bedding
Bath Shower Sand Toilet - RJ120
Bird Cage 500C
Cage 441
Carrier - CFHKX - S4
Cat Cage 355
Cat Litter Box CNS06
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0120
Cat Sleeping Cushion
Little Pets Solution Pine Wood
Many Bath Premium Wood Flakes
Pro Mills Vitamin for Cats
Bird Cage 902
Cage AE32
Carrier - CFHKX - L4
Carrier Portable Travel - RJ195
Cat Cage 883
Cat Litter Tray CT03
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0144
Plant Tofu Cat Litter
Play Rod Catty Man
Pro Mills Ear Cleanser
Bird Cage 9030
Cage AE48
Carrier - FL01
Cat Litter Tray CW315
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0154
Little Pets Kitten Milk
Play Rod Bell Ball & Feather
UFO Carrier Portable Travel - RJ531
Whole Tofu Cat Litter
Bird Cage A4005
Cage B4101
Carrier - FL02
Cat Cage 125
Cat Scratcher BF1091
Economy Tofu Cat Litter
Maxhico Dog & Cat Repellent
Play Rod Hawaiian Feather Stick
Bird Cage A4005-H
Cage M020
Carrier - FL03
Cat Cage 305
Cat Litter Tray CW322
Cat Scratcher C019
Little Pets Goat Milk
Multi-Cat Clumping Litter Sand
Wooden Play Rod B01
Bag Astronaut
Bird Cage A4009
Cage M021
Cat Cage 110
Cat Litter Box CW324
Cat Scratcher C004
Kitty Cat Syampu
Pai Duo Ke Tofu Cat Litter
Play Rod Caterpillar
Bag Economy
Bird Cage A4009-H
Cage M025
Cat Cage 6233L
Cat Scratcher C007
Cat Toilet Mofang
Dried Catnip Leaves
Economy Cat Sand
Petland Cat Food
Bag Ear
Bird Cage A3114-H
Cage M027
Cat Cage 6233L Gold
Cat Scratcher C012
DZahara Cat Kibble
Foldable Cat Litter Box MSP09/10
Hagen & Logan Cat Litter
Pet Feeder CF210S
Bag Smile
Bird Cage A3109
Cage M029
Cat Cage 6333
Cat Litter Box MSP102
Cat Scratcher C018
Little Pets Ear & Eye Wipes
Pet Colourball
Purrfect Pets Cat Sand
Bag Basic Transparent
Bird Cage 402
Cage M032
Cat Cage 9123AAA
Cat Scratcher C025
Cozie Cat Tofu Cat Litter
Little Pets Ear & Eye Wash
One Touch Cat Litter
Pet Feeder CW314
Bag Pattern Transparent
Bird Cage 110
Cage M033
Cat Cage 6356
Cat Scratcher C026
Cat Toilet Oval
Little Pets Cat Sand Coffee
Pet Cleaning Wipes
Cage RJ714
Cat Cage 6366 XXL
Cat Litter Box WO103
Cat Scratcher M3A
I-Recipe Cat Food
Mochi and Me Bentonite Cat Litter
Water Fountain CW318
Capsul - CW325
Cat Cage 902
Cat Litter Box WO118
Cat Scratcher Tree M3B
Pet Feeder CW323
Cage TH03
Cat Cage 881
Cat Scratcher Tree M7B
Cat Toilet JH002
Foldable Storage - C008
Pet Toys HS063
Portable Bag - M14
Cage TH038
Cat Cage 91680A
Cat Scratcher Tree M9
Cat Toilet MSP105
Portable Bag - M15
Cage TH04
Cat Cage 8855
Cat Scratcher Tree M14
Cat Toilet MewMew
Kimpets LS207 & LS208
Cage TH068
Cat Cage 6366L
Cat Litter Tray + Scoop
Cat Scratcher M21
Silvervine Catnip Ball
Cage YDA101
Cat Cage 91480A
Cat Scratcher Tree M24
Cat Toilet Bunglow
Cage YDA102
Cat Cage 167
Cat Litter Tray CFS03
Cat Scratcher M32
Pet Feeder LS221-222
Cage YDA108
Cat Cage 304
Cat Litter Box CW331
Cat Scratcher M35
Cat Sleeping Mat
Cage YDA301
Cat Cage 9123
Cat Scratcher M56
Cat Toilet MSP-Square
Cage YDA302
Cat Cage 9123A
Cat Scratcher C002
Cat Toilet MSP-Oval
Pet House 660
Cage YDA303
Cat Cage 9123N
Cat Scratcher SY330A
Cat Toilet JH-MP02S/L
Cat Cage 9134AAA
Cat Scratcher SY386
Cat Toilet MSP-L/S
Pet Toys 7 in 1
Cat Cage 80222
Cat Scratcher BF1008
Pet Water Feeder 251
Cat Cage 91344E
Cat Litter Tray G124/G126/G128
MGB Sleeping House
Scratcher Tube Ball
Cat Cage 8022L
Cat Litter Box MSP107
Cat Scratcher Scrnest
RJ Pet Feeder
Cat Cage 304L
Cat Litter Tray ZC21018
Rotatable Windmill Cat Toy
Scratcher Fishscr
Cat Litter Box CW326
Cat Scratcher M52
Self Groom Catnip Comb
Cat Cage 6231
Cat Scratcher Foot
Randolph Deodorizing Cat Litter Box
Cat Cage Multi 2 Level
Cat Scratcher C003
Cat Toilet CW337
Tower of Tracks
Cat Cage Multi 3 Level
Cat Scratcher C005
Cat Toys M10
Cat Cage 306S
Cat Scratcher Bone & Yarn
Cat Toilet B06/07
Cat Toys C029
Cat Cage 8022A
Cat Scratcher C062
Cat Toys Fishing Stick
Upward Closed Cat Toilet
Cat Cage 6230
Cat Scratcher C066
Litter Tray CW330/332
Pet Toys Tower 4
Cat Cage 6366
Cat Scratcher C060
Cat Toilet With UV Light
Wooden Double Bowl
Cat Cage 9135S
Cat Scratcher C063
Litter Tray MP8035 M/L
Pet Feeder 826
Cat Cage 160
Cat Scratcher C061
Litter Box MSP-202
Pet Bowl AM6A
Cat Cage 885
Cat Scratcher C077
XL Size Hammock
Adjustable Nylon Collar
Cat Cage 9134S
Cat Scratcher C071
Cat Scratcher House C073
Cat Scratcher SY010
Cat Bed
Cat Scratcher C079
Cat Scratcher Box C037
Cat Scratcher C020
Cat Scratcher C021
Pet Comb XDG014
Cat Scratcher Tree M1
Katzen Garnitur Cat Set
Cat Scratcher C033
Kennel Board
Cat Scratcher Tree M2
Cat Scratcher MT033
Pet House M58
Cat Scratcher M55
Paw Guard
Cat Scratcher House C083
Pet Clipper CP7800
Cat Scratcher House C087
Pet Clipper CP8000 Pro
Cat Scratcher C094
Pet Water Drinking Head
Cat Scratcher C095
Pet Glasses
Cat Scratcher House C097
Pet Nail Clipper
Round Scratcher C098
Cat Scratcher C099
Pethroom Smart Nail Clipper
Cat Grass
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0801
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0802
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0803
Pet Bowl A018
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0817
Pet Toys BF91
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0820
Reusable Feeding Kit
Auto Feeder 1.5L
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0821
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0822
Unique Pet Bowl 828
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0201
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0227
Cat Scratcher LZ0225
Cat Scratcher LZ0226
Cat Scratcher Tree LZ0202
Pet Toilet - RJ186
Animal Hay Feeder - 922
Cat Scratcher LZ0224
Animal Hay Feeder 920
Cat Scratcher C104
Pet Feeder CW324
Pet Feeder CW332
Cat Brush XX001
Drop Sweet Odour Removal
Little Pets Food Container
Pet Toys KB12
Katzen Garnitur Butterfly Cat Set
Pet Water Fountain MH019
Pet Water Fountain EZ1002
Pet Tent M59
Pet Toys Tower 3
Adjustable Nylon Collar
Pet Leash
Pet Nursing Bottle
Pet Toys C069
Hanging Water Feeder
Hanging Food Feeder
Metal Scoop
Papifeed Automatic Pet Feeder
Pet Feeder ZC21020
Pet Feeder ZC21017
Pet Feeder ZC21015
Pet Feeder ZC21014
Pet Toys LZ029
Hamster Hanging Hammock
Magnetic Pet Collar
Rectangle Cup
Hexagon Cup
Half Oval Cup
Rotatable Catnip Ball
XL Size Scoop
Pet Feeder ZC21023
Cat Bed HMW
Pet Bowl A019
Feeding Bowl CW326-327
Litter Scoop AD8016
Litter Scoop AD8013
Polyganum Chew Stick C092
Feather Stick C091
Polyganum Chinensis Stick C093
Winter Cat House
Premium Cat Bed
Cactus Automatic Pet Feeder (Wifi)
Cactus Automatic Pet Feeder (Camera)
Protective Cone Collar
Play Rod Bubble
Cat Toys LZ0242
Cat Toys LZ0240
Cat Toys LZ0241
Cat Toys LZ0239
Cat Toys C105/C106
Play Rod Flower With Ribbon
Play Rod Teaser Ball Ribbon
Play Rod Fabric Fruits
Food Container HC-020
Cat Threadmill
Pet Feeder AM6B

Your Trusted Supplier for All Pet Supplies Wholesale Needs in Malaysia

17 Years of Experience
With years of combined experience supplying pet stores, retailers and other industries, we know how to get you the products you need to drive a successful pet business.

Affordable Prices
We proudly supply thousands of pet businesses with the best bulk prices & unbeatable savings on over 15,000 wholesale products sourced from world's top brands.

Retailer Support
Our dedicated product teams are on hand to take your orders, offer help & advice, and exclusive promotions throughout the trading year – to help grow your business!

Malaysia's #1 Wholesale Pet Supplies Store in Melaka
Founded in 2005, My Ocean is well-known as the largest leading pet supplies store and wholesaler in Melaka, Malaysia – supplying high-quality wholesale pet products to over 1,200+ pet shops, veterinary clinics, retailers and traders nationwide.
At My Ocean, we offer the most complete range of pet products – ranging from cat cage, cat scractching post, tofu cat litter, dog crate, dog toy, bird cage, hamster cage, hamster food to many others. With our 17 years of expertise in pet products and accessories, you can expect top brands and quality products – all at amazing low prices!
Our team of product experts would compare prices to ensure you’ll make unbeatable savings, heavily research our products during the procurement process to make sure our selection provides the trusted and latest items that your customers need – to help drive your pet business and success in the competitive markets!
We know the industry inside out, our knowledge and experience allowed My Ocean to source the highest quality products and supply you at the lowest price. By joining our retail team, your business will get access to over 15,000 wholesale pet supplies that you’ll need to help revolutionize your business.
With years of experience working with different pet products, rest assured that our team is also able to help you choose the right products – no matter you want them for retail, domestic or professional use. To meet the different needs of the marketplace, we do also provide nationwide delivery services to our customers.
This is also why we’ve been the partner of choice for thousands of retailers from pet shops, vets and e-retailers over the past 17 years. Hence, when you choose My Ocean, you can be sure to find everything that you’ll need to grow your pet business!
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17 Years

Our Testimonial

Mrs. Yong
My Ocean is our very favourite wholesaler to deal with. We have never had a single problem with ordering and deliveries! The fact that they are a lovely, friendly bunch of people to deal with, is the icing on the cake!

Mr. Aiman
Being a new starter and needed direction, I went through every supplier I could find online and eventually I found My Ocean. They really have excellent industry related knowledge. Top service, top products and always on time. Highly recommended them!

Mr. Vincent
Great wholesaler for quality pet products! I have recently switched to My Ocean and could not be happier with my decision. Their professionalism and straightforward service are a real breath of fresh air. Highly recommended!

Mr. Lim
Good quality pet products with a lower price, nice! Fast delivery and quick response from customer service. Definitely will buy from them again. Strongly recommend to purchase this supply store!
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